Regulations determine Welder Certification Center (MSC ) complaints.
2. Description
2.1 . general Section
Complaints will be added to all complaints and claims about the operation of the WSC and WSC -certified persons. The complaint may be filed by any person - legal or physical. form WSC Director to oral complaints will response orally to written complaints will answer in writing form. the WSC Director is responsible for deciding on received complaints .
2.2 . Complaints procedure
MSC Director records received complaints . MSC Director organizes and checks the validity of the complaint during 20 working days .
MSC director records the decision on the merits of the complaint and the work that have to be done.
Justified complaints , review the need for corrective action , in accordance with the Manual , Chapter 07 the arrangements . Corrective action shall be controlled by the MSC director .
MSC Director shall respond to the complaint during 30 working days .
Dealing with all complaints and the examination is conducted in a constructive , unaffected and timely manner .
For decision -making is responsible for MSC director for the handling of complaints is responsible WSC Technical Director .
In case the complainants are not satisfied with the complaint made by the MSC test results , he has the right to apply the schemes to the complaint committee .The WSC Committee reviews the complainant’s scheme in order.
The issues in dispute between the MSC and the complainants dealt in accordance with the existing laws of the Latvian Republic .